Monday, 10 November 2014

July/August in photos


Hello, good morning, afternoon and evening!

Yes I'm back and this is a level of embarrassment I never hope to feel again PHAHA..ah.

I apologise heartily for my absence over these last three months of 2014 (although it's technically 4 but meh). It's been absolutely manic-crazy-oh-my-goodnessness-busy.

I had an idea.

Who actually looks blogs without the pictures?

So I thought instead of me rrrrrambling on with my incoherency, I thought I'd do a post to show you the main/important bits of the last 3-actually-4 months so you're all caught up on my adventures!
Maybe with a few anecdotes here and there. Maybe. Possibly. I'm trying to see things from your perspective, you may not be prepared for my Oxford First Degree English skills that I so clearly possess. (Ha.)


They were incredible...

Now I only really have a few photos on my phone because it kept dying, (TIP NO. 1 ON FESTIVALS: ALWAYS BRING A PORTABLE CHARGER) but this is a decent, not-very blurry one from T!


In August (well late July) I got the opportunity to travel up to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 'Twas excellent fun working with stacks of new people and networking to my hearts content. 

Assembly Gardens in the early evening!

I operated/stage managed two shows while I was up there, the first was Noggin the Nog which was performed at Assembly (pictured) and the second was A Male Soprano which was performed at Paradise Green 

"Noggin the Nog" production shot! We had a massive dragons head as part of the set and was always popular with the audience!

Nice shot of the local church and the Scottish hills!
Edinburgh was such a crazy, stressful, amazing and incredible experience and I suggest that all of you go at some point in your lives! 

 For ages now, I've tried to sort out a rota for my blog because, yes, I really have neglected it and since I said to myself at the beginning of the year that 'poshballoon.blogspot' would be my open journal/diary thing I've failed to maintain a position as a writer of my life (I should release myself from the blogger world I AM UNWORTHY OF THIS TITLE).

Write soon!

Ta ta.<3

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

May Antics - The Three Bridges Incident

The month of May was the busiest to date and as I was a terrible human and didn't blog AT ALL I'm making up for it by doing a series of blogposts about my 'MAY ANTICS' - filled with stories and updates about what happened last month!

But first let's start with the only one thing actually sticks out in my brain and I thought, now this, this story is worthy of a blogpost.

 Stick around if you can it's awfully entertaining tale.

So my friend of god knows how long Abi and myself decided that our long-awaited trip to London should finally happen! She'd quaintly suggested that we go to a workshop/talk that she was going to and that I'd go with her! This was the Tristen Sharpe workshop - it was all fab, we had far too much coffee and got caught in the Arctic Monkeys hype at Finsbury Park station (my fault entirely) but was all in all a fantastic day. However this wouldn't be an awfully entertaining story without something going wrong and that was this. 

On our train home, which we had to wait until after 7 to get, we stopped unexpectedly at Three Bridges Station due to a tragic accident that had happened down the track. Hopeless and unsure of what would happen next, we got of the train with so many other people you would not believe it. We found without any intention of doing so, befriending two ladies who were in high spirits despite the terrible and unintentionally inconvenient event. Abi and I were herded with the rest of the crowd and our new found friends to the front of the station where we were told to wait patiently for the replacement bus services to arrive... 

Well, stranded and thoroughly pissed off by the lack of organisation and care of the train services, we retreated to the nearest pub as my phone was running shockingly low on battery and we were undeniably in need of a drink. By this time, I fail to mention we'd gained another friend and had all discovered that we were all headed south to either Brighton, Eastbourne or Hastings.

 Strangly we all found things in common and developed friendships rather quickly; I suppose in situations like that you have to, but I wouldn't have compromised those who we met on the day for anyone else! After a jaegerbomb and toilet trip, about an hour and a half into this event, we agreed that a taxi from Three Bridges would be our best bet. After one of our new found friends called various taxi ranks up, the buses started coming in but unsurprisingly with the amount of people still left at the station it turned into absolute carnage - honestly, it looked like something you'd see in the hunger games. People diving to get to the buses, crowding round, pushing, shoving etc. And we were there, the five of us like "Yeah, we've all bonded over this and we're laughing because life is too short to be negative over this NOW LET'S TAKE A SELFIE". 

In truth, we probably seemed like right insensitive bastards at the time and it was lucky that we did retreat to the Snooky Fox (yes, that was the name of the pub, but hey, let's not knock it they were very understanding of our situation) otherwise there may have been a punch up in which we would have been the cause of... not intentionally of course, it's not in any of our natures to solve a problem with violence. Alcohol and laughter: yes, that is what should solve things. ANYWAY, so the taxi came blah blah blah, we found out that they didn't hear us on the phone properly and we needed two more people blah blah QUE Russell and UKIP Peter to join the Three Bridges Clan. AND THEN WE SET OFF,

So by this time, I can imagine you feel slightly exhausted just by reading this, well imagine this happening plus feeling tired+exhausted+excited+giddy+delusional... Yep that was us. 
Russel and Peter were unlike the rest of us, both were mid 50s+ and one possessed 3 bottles of wine which they decided to swig in the taxi until we were told we couldn't (I accidentally lost the top to one of them and so Russell and Peter had to down it opposite the co-op petrol station). We then got some dosh out - I swear I spent more on the taxi than I did on the train, what an absolute outrage. 

Anyway on the journey, from when we arrived in Three Bridges at 7.50pm we were now at 11.30 and only just leaving. Abi, Brad and I were in the back laughing hysterically at the absurdity of what was happening and that after all this we were FINALLY going home! 
I should probably explain why UKIP Peter is called UKIP Peter. No he didn't support far as we know. He was however very 'about that life' and upon driving past a field, he slurred away about his involvement in fracking and oil or something. All I remember from that, was that I tried my very hardest to contain my laughter while Wendy said "I think I've just found Three Bridges very own Nigel Farage". 

We chatted, laughed and even came up with a sitcom; I'm still conferring with people over the idea expect something to crop on Digital Spy at some point (I jest). So yeah, that happened and Russell was awfully generous in paying for the rest of our journey from Brighton. RUSSELL IF YOU READ THIS YOU'RE A BLOODY BRILLIANT HUMAN BEING AND I SALUTE YOU SIR.

Oh yeah, we also did the Three Bridges Awards or the Taxi Awards - yes, if you ever find yourself in this position where you form a weird and wonderful bond with strangers and end up jumping into a cab with each other be sure to to the Taxi Awards (lets give it a generic term ey? Make things easier in a complex situation!) 

Abi and myself arrived home safe and well - I honestly don't know how we were still existing by that point it had been such an eventful day. Any other person would probably have knocked themselves out with a Nerf Gun but yes. 

Very eventful day and one I shall not easily forget! 

If you ever get yourself stuck in this situation, always make sure that someone knows where you are! Also surround youself with people who are in your position and you may bond - let's face it it's better than being alone!
Don't complain to the station, complain to eachother - complain after, professionally and calmly.
Wait for the bus service or honestly, just get a taxi - it may cost a little more but it'll get you home and you can always get a refund from the station. If they've dealt it badly it's their fault they can't get you home so make sure you get a refund!

Keep an eye out for more stories!
Ta ta.<3

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

WHAT TO WRITE-- Jack in the Green!

Knowing that there's amazing trips to come in the future excites me to no end. 
Like wow, and I mean wow.
However much I want to write about them and let people who know what I'm going to do, I have literally no idea how to express them on me keyboard so let's talk about Mayday instead.
For those that don't know, in Hastings, my gorgeous town in which I reside, we have an annual celebration of the start of summer called Jack in the Green. We celebrate by dressing some poor soul (jack) in a tree-cage full of leaves and let half the town follow him before he is slain on a built-up stage on the west hill. This is meant to represent rebirth and growth in spring or something wonderfully uplifting along those lines.
We have the mad jacks, some scary raven people, a few milkmaids and a really, really tall mermaid! 

Of course it is a day traditionally known for vast amounts of alcohol being consumed, laughing and green paint (that will inevitably get all over anything that isn't green). And I was lucky enough to be greened on the way down to our family friends house - as well as capturing some amazingly close shots! I have a few pics on my Pinterest if you want to check them out or just head to my Facebook for the full album!

Because it was my mum's birthday the day before (may the fourth be with you), a few friends stayed down from all corners of the UK to enjoy the festivities so there was much drinking and nibbling and laughing. I can honestly say I haven't laughed so much in AGES! On the subject, Mel my mum's friend organised some morris dancers to come and dance for mum's birthday as a surprise and it was a wonderful thing seeing my mum enjoy herself! They picked her up after too - it was simply fab! Here's some footage! 

Anyway back to JITG, I met up with a few friends, stroked a few owls, bumped into a few people and just laughed like crazy person. It was truly one the best weekends (kinda, count the Monday as the weekend (bank holiday and all that))! 

Also here's a bit of face painting which my friend did for me! 
Lurrrvely! So now's a good time to ask you: DO YOU CELEBRATE JACK IN THE GREEN AND IF SO DID YOU ENJOY IT?! Are there any other Jack in the Greens apart from Hastings and if so where are dey?!

p.s I'm so sorry this post is late - tomorrow's post shall explain whyyyy!

Ta ta.<3

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

BlogButties - Supporting Friends Blogs

So if you actually read this waffle that I verbally vomit onto a blogpost, I'd like to check out me friends that also do blogs and wot-not because I'm feeling generous and I want to spread some love!

She has her website up and running now for those who're interested in photography I suggest you check her out! Her stuffs incredible and she has an amazing eye for things.
Click here to see her stuff!

I may have mentioned him in the past as he started his blog a few months ago, but he's very much a fashion guru giving you the latest trends usually from Topshop (promo) but he is fabulous when it comes to best picks for all styles as well as being an all round good guy.
Click here to view his blog and here for his channel!

Daisy started her channel last year and has stop for some unknown reason (shockaaa horror) DO ME A FAVOUR PLEASE ENCOURAGE HER TO DO MORE AS SHE'S MARVELLOUS!
See her channel here!

Jenny started her blog nearly a year ago now and is currently working with Nike! Amazing I know!
She's recently started up a channel too right heeerere - ain't she pretttyyy!

Silvana is a lifestyle/bblogger/fashion blogger and is just a perfectly smashing being with a very good eye for colours and trends!
Check her out here!

Zahra I consider to be almost family as I've known her for so long! She's a fashion and design student and has shown collections of her work at Dubai Fashion Week!
Check her out here!

Fast becoming part of the Youtubey community - so you should check him out!
Right here

That's all for now ta ta.<3

Friday, 25 April 2014

No7 Cool Vanilla. //REVIEW//

(phrase to be read/said quickly in an posh accent)

Well, my friend and I have this thing where, if we can't exactly afford something say a Pandora ring, we will go into Pandora and just try everything on and converse with the counter ladies without giving any indication that we neither buy the ring/s or no and still remain smiley and misleading. (hope that made sense, it certainly did in my head but you know what my heads like). True story though. 

Anyway, the other day we went into Boots and I immediately flocked to the No7 isle. We looked at the beautiful varnishs and lipsticks and then the foundation. I said to her we could get our skin/foundation colour checked out, because neither of us knew which colour foundation we actually were as we could never find the right colour match for our skin (first world problems *rolls eyes*)

(This box holds a candle called 'Melt' it is the best smelling wax I've ever smelt; can I justify spending £36 on a candle - on wax...WAX?)

Anyway 10 mins before closing, we went up to the No7 lady and were tested for our correct foundation colour. Gawd, technology is amazing these days. The lady cleansed our jawline (the only place where our faces don't flush - fun fact) with the £8.00 No7 cleanser and then placed a weird handheld tester thing (??). My colour flashed up - COOL VANILLA. Best moment ever - fantastic, I've actually got a colour which will most probably match my skin because the matcher thing said so!

So I asked for a Instant Radiance in Cool Vanilla. ... Umm... We discovered that it was quite a popular and therefore I went for another (because no one wants to watch a lady struggle to get literally tiny drops of foundation out of one bottle and into another). I then asked for Beautifully Matte. Again, proved popular. So I settled for the Stay Perfect. Which I LOVES.

Quality of the foundation isn't thin but it's substantial. Soft, fragrant smell - I'd go as far to say that it smells slightly rose-y. In texture it's really, reaaally smooth and kind to the skin.

I've been using Lucy Bee's Organic Coconut Oil as my daily moisturiser and in my opinion is the creation of Gods; it's literally like the best thing for skin since *insert best brand moisturiser*. It's obviously flakey when you take it out of the jar but when placed onto skin it liquidises and soaks up like a sponge and stays. 
(£6.00 a jar from Sainsburys but it's worth it because I cook, spread and massage with it - literally everything) 

Make sure you use it at least 30 mins before foundation application (poet) 

2 small  pumps cover my whole face
Apply to t-zone with fingertips
(warms up the foundation making it easier to blend in)
Quickly then use a make up brush - I use Real Techniques base brush (everyone's favvve) and blend in with swift, circular motions
I say quickly because you want the foundation to be fresh; if you leave it for too long on the skin then it can easily become cakey on the skin and therefore won't look terribly good/clog up pores etc etc...

(random picture)

Remember less is more; you want the attention to be on eyes and lips. 
If you are someone who suffers from ache or dry//oily skin piling it on actually makes it worse!! 
Unless you're on prescription, I suggest that you check out my friends blog whose dealt with ache and has a selection of products which she suggests will help!
+Jenny Scott Russell - FREYA'S FASHION CHAPTER

My advice would be...

LITERALLY USE THE COCONUT OIL - People with oily skin must be panicking slightly thinking OIL OIL TOO MUCH OIL
But honestly, rose-hip/coconut/almond oil meant to be a-muh-zing for all skin types and evens out skin tone and stuff (BIO OIL TOO)

Right so blend, blend blend until you're happy and have a perfect, precise finish.

I really, really like this foundation and will be definitely buying some as soon as I get me some dolla-olla-hola-hollaaaaa [i'm sorry].

Get 3-4-2 at +Boots UK on selected items - my choices based on this post would beeee....

No7 Stay Perfect - £14.50
RealTechniques Setting Brush - £8.99
Philosophy Purity 3-1 - £8.00/£17.50/£28.50

Hope you enjoyed this post! If you too have tried No7 products lemme know in the comments and we can discuss away! 

Ta ta.<3

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Happy'rth Day and John Cooper Clarke

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day to wish you all a Happy Earth day. The day where we appreciate where we live and continue to drive cars, pollute the atmosphere and poison the sea with urine and oil *smiles sweetly*. Happy Earth Day.

It's funny actually my dad and I were having a conversation about the earth the other day and all of a sudden he sighed and said that we have to do more to take care of our planet and that my brother and I will be of the generation where we really will have to take action and find new ways of creating energy; renewable fuels. Such as wind, sun and water. 
But nobody wants a massive windmill in their garden or solar pannells. No one wants to be cautious with energy. We take it for granted so much and I think it's made us greedy. I mean you know what guys we did have lives before electricity and we didn't all end up in a depressed mess. I'm not saying cut electricity all together but you know just use it wisely, our lives shouldn't be slaved to technology. 
I mean I'm pretty sure I can do without my laptop because I like talking to people and going outside and reading and writing and, here's something, I love letters. 
I know that's using up trees but at least with trees, you can plant more! (back to letters) Someone wrote me a formal letter, handwritten and everything, while I was doing some work experience and I honestly felt really, really chuffed because I thought: aww, you know what, that's lovely, I love letters! 

Anywayyy enough ranting. Happy'rth Day!

Hope you're all well and sturrrff, I'm preparing video ideas for my friend who are shortly leaving for South Africa; hometown of Casper Lee. They're being very brave and courageous young ladies and going over there to do some anti-poaching volunteering *enter some horrendous joke about scrambled eggs or boiling something*. Ooo that's a thing, one of them I met up with the other day for tea and lunch and she said that she's probably going to have to survive on eggs. Haha. There we have it. It's turned full circle. Or oval-- I'm sorry.

I realised that I'm okay off camera and not actually when everything is on and I'm talking; I develop a very high squeaky voice with a disgusting nasal quality. Not the most ideal thing you'd want a vlogger to possess but I'm practising and working on it. 

Moving onnn...

On Saturday I was volunteering at the DLWP and was lucky enough to watch some of John Cooper Clarke's act. He's brilliant he really is. Alex Turner's idol and basically non-biological father. But Clarke, it's literally tiny in real life. He must put all his efforts into his words and hair. I had to leave early but I caught his poem 'Twat' - the first thing that I saw of him and caused me to fall in love with him. Awh, I just enjoyed it sooo much. As well as you know, showing people in and stewarding, and chatting to people, ensuring that they're having a good time. I'd like to quickly say a massive thank you to Bob and Wendy for making me feel very welcome and paying for my cab home! :')

Yes, Bexhill Station you've got to put a sign up to show people where to go when the station closes because just assuming that people know where the back track is and that leads to the platform simply will not do!

Anyway John Cooper Clarke was amazing, and so were the other two (whose name's escape me I'm sorry)! 

Right time to tidy my room and listen to Radio 1. I will go there one day. 

Ta ta.<3

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Ah I love the sun,
while it's shining
and we're smelling smells of newness 
and licking sweet, cooling ice creams in
mint choc chip, strawberry and BANANA

There's a little poem I hope you enjoyed it. Yes it has been entered for the Ultimate Poets of the Year award (it hasn't). 

Well dearest, I've had a lovely week of doing absolutely nothing and have enjoyed running around the time of suns setting and moving my room around so it actually looks "alright". HOWEVER today, the very last day of what has been a surprising lovely week of indoorsy-ing (?) and chillaxing, I went to EASTBOURNE and FIRLE (near Brighton for those that don't know, and near the beach for those who really don't know (not at all calling any of you stupid-I-um))... ahem - BUT YES it was simply divine today. Sunny, a tad windy - we got the picnic blanket out and it nearly turned into a magic carpet BUT I SHATTERED IT'S DREAMS. First we had a wonderful little picnic at Firle, which is a beautiful hilly area near Eastbourne and possess' a very pleasant footpath. On the menu? Pork and Egg Pie, Pizza, Banana bread, halloumi and tomato salad, cloudy ginger and lemonade and tea! It was totally spiffing.

It was windy - oh I've already told you- anyway, I hadn't brought a jacket with me and decided to use picnic blanket - riddled of all its crumbs and impurities - as a shawl and proved very effective. I felt free. I felt like Lana in that video where she's holding the American flag, except in my case it was a tartan, woolly blanket. 

We then ventured to Middle Farm, a charming little farm about 10 minute drive from Firle. Pa and I pootled around the Cider and It was a bit of shack to be honest, so if it be anything else: NO. IT'S A SHACK. Anyway I was there for a good 5 minutes just staring in awe of all these different beverages and awwh...literally...I loves it. 

Actually now that we're on the subject of beverages, I've been SO HEALTHY recently - I don't know if this hyper tone in my writing is reflective of my actual personality/mood atm buT WOW - I've been juicing every single day. I'm talking having my compulsory "7-a-day" before the days even started (yeah, it's usually in the mornings.)

God you can definitely tell that I haven't blogged in a while, I'm all over the shop!

Anyway yeah, then we went to Eastbourne and got an ice cream and walked along the beach and stuff it was super dandy. 

Oh dear goodness me I can't cope! It's too good.
I watched it for the 3rd/4th time tonight and I still get something out of it and oh my goodness.

More to come in future on these subjects but I don't think this'll be the last time I mention the Hobbit in my blogposts.

So Deliciously Ella - back to juices - is one of the titles in this blog because my lovely gentlemen and women, she's LITERALLY changed my life. 
The juicing has done wonders to my body and no doubt to my mind too as I've felt natural pureness run through my veins over the last couple of days and it's made me feel clear. 
And skin.
Dear goodness gracious jesus, don't get me started on my skin. 
I've been spotty for god knows how long, and coming back to Hastings after being in Harlow for 2 weeks (yes, that's where I was on work experience) my body was a wondering, pondering, metaphorical trainwreck.
But as soon as I started doing some of Deliciously Ella's recipes.
(Here it comes *inhales*)

My life was turned upside down.

You should all check her out (even though I presume you've all heard of her/follow her)

She's totally awesome and will... well, perhaps make you re-evaluate your diet.

Anyway I'm tired. This probably makes no sense.


Dear god I need sleep so TOODLES.

(Ta ta, I mean ta ta.<3) 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Work Ex - Day 4

Pretty much the last day, it was most certainly the most eventful one by faaaar.

Contacted Irishman who apparently is not Irish so that wasn’t at all embarrassing. Organised day with Parish and Old Pioneers communities. Nah let’s talk about something interesting; was surprised to see that Wizard of Oz is actually rather amazing. A few actors in particular are very talented in the old comedy department. Including ginger guy who uses a lot of ‘w’s ahahaha. Very funny and apparently only his first day – WOW. Anyway the drive back consisted of me in the back and almost very nearly falling asleep. As tempting as it was, one could not travel to the peaceful planet of rest as a techy and the boss were laughing with their hearty laughs.

Anyway, made a few more phone calls to two ladies from the local newspaper  and then went back home. Lovely lady greeted us warmly, and I offered to help while host and ickle boy played. She then offered to take me to see Twelfth Night at Rhodes theatre just down the road. I need not say more than ABSOLUTELY BLOODY SMASHING as a sum up of what it was! I was particularly taken by Feste – a face that my lovely lady and I found to be very familiar *strokes invisible beard of truth* and an actor who was in Pirates of the Caribbean was in it too! OMG.

 I also met a lovely guy called James who went to East 15 and gave me humongous amount of very valuable advice. He said that one of his teachers (?) wrote a book on contempory plays for men and women and that I should check out a book shop called skoob in London – underground book shop apparently rather amazing according to the fact that he “spends around 2/3 hours there”. Hmm *strokes meta—you get the picture*. Anyway it was lovely meeting the cast after (have to admit felt a little woozy after that magners OOO yeah dinner was sausage, tomato, butterbean and potato and chorizo combo with broccoli OMOYONMNOMOMM so good.

It was just really nice and lovely lady (or ‘G’ as her work colleagues call her (and I too ended up calling her by say letter))and I had a lovely chat on the way back about drama schools and the actors and recruiting people.
Such a lovely night. My last here for now – very well spent with her and co. Yes, enjoyed muchly and cider. That cider was incredibly refreshing.

Also also not-very-well-known play St John a Shakespeare play must check out and it’s THE PERMENANT WAY GRACE NOT THE PERUVIAN LINE YOU MASSIVE PLONKER

Oh cool. Okay bye humans. <3

Friday, 4 April 2014

Work Ex - Day 3

Read on for tales of my ignorance and life failures. (Y)

Late shower. Had crumpets and banana and ickle boy, bless him, made eye contact with me. N’AW. Drove in – had conversation about monologues and plays. The Peruvian Line play? (The Permanent Way, you plonker) Came in and saw everyone – opened up and called people. Saw Tunnel’s people. REALLY REALLY GOOD. Frozen Light Theatre (opened up in Ipswich coincidentally). Went to meeting with a lady from Shakespeare’s Schools Festival. Went on stage and stuff.

Turn’s out those slightly (not to mention superstitiously) quiet “technicians” were actually people from the circus. *facepalm* Grace – did you not even make the link that these people were not English (or you thought not) they were eating foreign labelled food (-another link why doth you not make?) and they seemed a little taken aback when I said hi. Hmm. Grace you just too ARGGJNWJG WHY YOU NO SWITCH RADARS ON?

Called someone up, whom I was enquiring interest as to whether they’d like to come to confidential-things-totally-awesome-though. When being questioned if he was of Irish decent, he replied “I am most definitely not Irish”.
 I giggled and returned to my post as professional, happy waffler.
Oh yeah, I was also called to attend another meeting BY MYSELF I MIGHT ADD oh dear god it no. Basically the boss was like ooo go to this and push forth this ingenious project that we’re doing and I was there like OO OKAY nervy b. Got there with a completely lovely lady (oh my what a babe) and eventually met this concil guy (some kind of leisure man who works for community or something) we chatted about stuff while hopefully waiting for the rest of the attendee’s + organisers...

However time went on, this guy telling me that they’d originally planned to meet for 12 YET nobody had turned up (labell this disordered mess) so I was there..vlogging by myself (as this guy had left). Looking like a right loser. Eventually I went to the other office (still nothing only a lady who seem to possess a load of coats and paperwork who didn’t know what to say to me) and then came back only to vlog a little more and feel extra sorry for myself. I reckon they'd relocated to a secret hideout to discuss ways of world domination and thought this particular meeting place too risky a setting.  
I came back. Boss said ‘I told you so’ naturally. 

Then made more calls and FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE OF IRISH UPBRINGING HUZZAH. Had some more tea. And asked a person who worked on the Russian merch stand whether they enjoyed the circus *duh*
I’m so stupid sometimes I wonder if I have more than 2 brain cells. WAT.
Came home. Oh my goodness I watched Sherlock with lovely lady host and I forgot how much I get into it. I went “Orrh” really loudly during some scene or other (in my head I was doing it all the time). I’M SO EXCITED FOR SEASON 4 OMHECK. I want it now. Now, now.

Also my brother went up for a casting the other day and omg I was so chuffed for him *prays that he gets it*.
Also also, had Lamb and Apricot tagine oh myGOD toooo-oo-oo good. Anyway must sleep. 
Really should upload but sleep.
And I should really get up at 8 so I can have a shower earlier but…sleep.

Only one and a half more days now. D: 

Ta ta.<3

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Today's blog is going to be a simple review. Short and simple unless I go into DEEP details about how much I love this product.

I got it once upon a time when I was first introduced to Soap and Glory by my NANA of all people! The menthol aroma, the vintage packaging and the mint colour creaminess of the scrub altogether makes my heart sing sweet tunes of scrub-a-dub joy!

Look how cute it is!!

I'm not sure if you can see but it's a definite minty colour and you only need a medium pea-sized dollop - a little goes a long way!!

Yeah, I get it, it looks like I'm struggling to nature burp (ewww) but I felt like imitating a puffer fish at that moment in time... 

Small circular motions remember! Gently massaging will stimulate the cells in your skin and do good things!  

It just a really nice, genuinely worth while product. I'm not terribly good at expressing myself opinion here but it's good. I haven't used it in years it's usually around £9 and I can never be bothered to buy it because I'm a massive cheapskate however I got this for a 3rd off at Boots. You should all buy it because it's Soap and Glory and it's excellent. That is all I have to say. 

Take care lunatics - work ex day 3 coming soon!!

Ta ta.<3

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


For starters, I know what you're thinking: THIS IS SO SHORT WHAT ARE YOU DOING 
I wrote a very brief doc-iary. Clearly.

Called and emailed to my heart’s content and met some loverlies. Such as Annette whose such a multi-cultural, creative consultant babe. Really helped with finding old town pioneers. Also had long conversation with a old dear. Very long, my ears hurt. Still recovering (simultaneously down to him and loud music and my own considerably surprising
 squeaky voice) 65 WAT.

My host made me lovely lunch totally unexpected! And then Scott bought me yumonomomonomom pasta pot from m&s. Made tea and met some unfriendly techy’s who didn’t want to talk to me. Hmm..
Made a friend in front of house manager. Very nice man and we both joked about my terrible memory.

The host thinks I’m mad. As do the rest of the staff but it's okay, it's in a good way. His idea however for a show that he did is brilliant and should be redone.

Lady host made us spag boll. Wow.  Just amazing. Also I love their tea. Dunno why it’s just really really nice.

Well that was interesting. 
Ta ta.<3

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Work Ex - Day 1

This was my first doc-iry (document and diary merged together (badly)) I do sound like a less-witty Bridget Jones in this one (I'm not sure about the others I'll have to check). 

        Diary Monday

Got train from Orpington to London Bridge. Yay. Manage to not die whilst balancing on my suitcase even though I had a sneaky suspicion that some guy behind me was looking at my arse but no matter I’m sure he wasn’t disappointed I got some fiiiine booty. I forgot how busy London gets around mid morning cos everyone’s out for their mid morning coffee’s. Anyway made it through. Went past a few characters. Roudy businessmen or fishermen or something that involves a lot of loudly exchanged banter over a tube full of people. When I got to Bank it was literally the longest walk of my life (15 ½ mins) to Central line to Liverpool Str. Station. Yes, I had the Glyndebourne song playing continuously in my head. Liver-pool-street-station.

Got there. Got vanilla latte. Missed 10.58 train. Meh. Sat. Panicked that I didn’t have return ticket. Found return ticket yay. (isn’t it smashing that off peak return tickets have a lifespan of a month?! Never knew that!) Anyway, got on train. Charged phone. Went passed graffiti infested areas. Was rather relaxing – felt the need to text dad funny messages boasting how funny I was. Har har har.

Was picked up by my lovely host. After conquering so many stairs that day I was relieved. Stairs in particular at Harlow Town Station. Wooahph. Jesus. Knackering.
Met the two lovely ladies in the office at theatre. OO, was given ‘grande tour’ of Harlow. Lots on political position in terms of England, other theatres, programming, still finding balance in humour (didn't want to be too 'in yer face' funny) … Ate something. McD’s. Obviously. Started phoning people, lady 'x' was the first and reminded me of a typical scary aunt…*shivers*

Came home to really yummy dinner and would tell you what was however memory absolutely appalling so much so have forgotten simple sentence connectors… TOAD IN HOLE WITH GRAVY I REMEMBER BECAUSE WE HAD CHOCOLATE AFTER AND WATCHED HANNA

 Slept well (kinda - because I was really excited for everything else that was yet to come!)

And that was the first day - to be fair I was a bit 

But after I was totally fiiiine 
fiiine like rainbow wiiinee

Oooh that's a new one.
Anyway I'm off - I'll write the next one tomorrow
(haha APRIL FO--Oh shit I'm too late)

Ta ta.<3

Working with Glyndebourne and Liverpool Street Station

So not last Sunday but the one before was like INCREDIBLE. As was today but today will come later..(O_o)
I'd been offered the chance to participate in a Glyndebourne Workshop which focused on Audition and Ensemble Technique and oh my goodness gracious me. IT WAS SUCH A TREAT. There were 9 of us altogether excluding the teachers (of which there were 3, 2 leaders and a pianist who was totally awesome) and I was the eldest of the participants there. We were placed in a cool little space with an incredibly high ceiling, yes, yes it felt rather vast.
We started off by playing a few warm up games and got to know each other a bit more.
Quick recap
We made narratives out of sound and entitled them 'The Farm' and 'The Desert' - 'The Farm' focused on the atmosphere of the farm and the animals. It gradually, just from the sound scape, painted a picture of the farmers checking on the animals - the sheep were in peril, the hounds came sniffing and then it ended with wolves howling.
The best. Truly the best.

'The Desert' sound scape created more of a lonesome journey of one person drifting in and out of a chant while he trudges through the Desert in an act to search for water and civilisation. One of which he encounters - not necessarily the one he needs most. Suddenly there's excitement and a tribal-like fiesta sound until he's somewhat executed or entranced by this tribe and the rhythm and tone comes down again and returns to this solitary, almost painful sound.

Yeah it was good. And then we played a game called Clint Eastwood where NO we did not pretend to shoot each other or mime wearing a Stetson BUT we did pretend to enter a s'loon (well cafe/bar/saloon). Basically, the game is like an improv wink murder except nobody does a really bad fake 'oh my god I need to scream at the top of my voice' death. The aim is to guess what you are. So example, from the picked persons perspective, you enter a room full of people who are all acting weirdly(?) and you've got gather from them, your story and who you are or what you've done. From the pickers perspective, you're given a brief by one of the teachers or leaders and then you group up or pick a character that you can be in this scenario and then give the 'pickee' I suppose, clues as to who their character is.

It was all very good fun. OOO and then there was the Liverpool Street Station song. I can guarantee you, this song will baffle you for about 10 minutes and then once you're getting your head around the lyrics YOU WILL NOT STOP HUMMING OR SINGING YES IT IS ONE OF THOSE SONGS. 

I'm really tired writing this so I humbly apologise if I sound a little dreary but it was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to audition in the future! 
Thank you Glyndebourne it was fab. 

Ta ta. <3

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Unscripted Nonsense

I Grace Collett,
 Say hello to you, one random human being to another.

I present to you a really quick hello. Next time I film properly it'll be on a groovy iPhone so don't worry about the quality (even the microphone makes me sound a little squeeky oh dear god). Most of you may think 'WOT AN IPHONE NO' but it's a massive upgrade from what I've got at the moment. Seriously I've had goldfish more reliable than my phone.

I just wanted to show you 'ME' as I know people script a lot of the time and I'm just like 'but rambling/waffling is what I do best' so that is how I wish to put myself across. I'm totally professional though. Promise. 

Ta ta.<3

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Forever wishing that I could pass on my wisdom and funs as a professional waffler/vlogger at PlaylistLive. Don't you agree? 

(I'm jesting)

Much love

Life Update (15/03/14)


There's a lot that life has to offer when one isn't lounging around the house debating the meaning of life and eating excessive amounts of cheese (but let's be honest here, who doesn't pig out when there's cheese to hand) - anyway moving on. Just wanted to get that off my chest.


Saturday was quite literally my busiest day TO DATE like literally I was like a cross between Superwoman and Holly Go-Lightly it was a very cool day! Firstly I woke very, ridiculously early in the morning and had a really random urge to write something. You know when you get like a kick and it's like something from another dimension has suddenly zapped you/clicked their fingers and you're like ooo I'm going to do this for the next 40 minutes. So I just started putting loads of brain farts into a word doc and made it all sound very interesting (ahar). Anyway yes teaching. So I covered character movement in a ridiculously hot room, where they all seemed a bit hot and bothered, however managed to teach them a little about Commedia del'Arte and lazzi and etcetera. Woop.

Then quickly jumped to town to pick up a Shakeaway (omnonomomnomnon) and handed in a document that may or may not change my life. And bought the mother of all Shakeaway's DAIM BAR (onomonmonomonom)! Too good!

Anyway yeah. So that happened and then I had to immediately catch a train (I like trains) and head over to Bexhill and once again offer my services as a professional waffla' at the Dear Serge event showing at the DLWP. Well for starters I've never seen such a beautiful collection of artwork - an exhibition called 'A Cheer a Dead Man's Sweetheart' was on where more than 20 artists around the UK display there work over the next couple of months. There was a real mixture of art there that day it was bloody fabulous! That day I had the privilege of sporting a rather fetching albeit tight fitting t-shirt. Yes I feel I have been approved by the cool people their as one of them. Also, there was a fantastic band there that day - check them out they're called Soccer 96. I described the Brighton/London duo as a cross between The xx and Daft Punk. They're cool though. Very cool. 

I finished early after chatting to numerous brilliant members of the public and making friends. What a refreshing day. I then walked back, checking the time and making sure I was right on schedule. I love train journeys HAHA there was a ridiculously giggly child on the train back, I could hardly contain my own laughter. 

HEAVENS ABOVE I then had an interview for a job and rushed there quickly, while bumping into friends that I'd see later (who wished me luck) and an old friend who also wished me the best of luck while he skipped off to KFC. It went well. That is all. 

I then did some babysitting and made my little neighbour friend into a mini me. We did a 'what's in my bag' thing just between us and reviewed my many lipsticks. When my lovely neighbour came back, we spoke about my day and my future and how much I loved the Arctic Monkeys and then..

John Cooper-Clarke - lord, what a marvel of metaphors. An utter genius. Being a die-hard Arctic Monkeys fan, my neighbour introduced me to him after saying that Alex Turner (my other husband in a parallel universe; other meaning that I have more than one in a parallel universe. Yes I have multiple wedding certificates in that respect of my life.) sort inspiration and idolised John Cooper Clarke as a teenager. BUT do you want to know the best part of this? After saying all of this, he told me that Cooper Clarke is playing at the DLWP in April! *scrambles to box office and books tickets* Isn't that exciting! I wonder if he does a Q&A after... He probably wouldn't would he? He's quite ..hmm.. ooo I dunno. He's just very...indescribable... Obviously.

I then headed out for another night on the town with friends. 

If you're worn out from reading this. Imagine how I felt that day. 
Woah. I'm exhausted just writing this. 
Anyway yes. Good good. 

TA TA.<3

Thursday, 20 March 2014



I've been incredibly busy having a life and getting out so I apologise to my obviously humongous audience for not updating you. (haha jks no h8)

I really do need to start blogging more though. 
Okay good news - I'm going up to Harlow next week for 4 whole days to do some work experience so that'll be exciting and not only will I be writing a daily record of my adventures and goings on I'll also be doing a documentary style video which'll be good. 
I think it'll be an iPhone job though - camera quality is crap on my digi one at the moment.

Also my belated 'Workshop What We Did #2' shall be published soon it just takes me ages to find suitable synonyms for everything and I can't bear to sound unintelligent. (haha)

I'm really looking forward to things coming up so YAY.
Also I miss doing music posts so here is my favourite song at the moment, it's Miss Paloma Faith whose an absolutely beauty and seriously down to earth human being - I LOVE YOU PALOMA!