Friday, 25 April 2014

No7 Cool Vanilla. //REVIEW//

(phrase to be read/said quickly in an posh accent)

Well, my friend and I have this thing where, if we can't exactly afford something say a Pandora ring, we will go into Pandora and just try everything on and converse with the counter ladies without giving any indication that we neither buy the ring/s or no and still remain smiley and misleading. (hope that made sense, it certainly did in my head but you know what my heads like). True story though. 

Anyway, the other day we went into Boots and I immediately flocked to the No7 isle. We looked at the beautiful varnishs and lipsticks and then the foundation. I said to her we could get our skin/foundation colour checked out, because neither of us knew which colour foundation we actually were as we could never find the right colour match for our skin (first world problems *rolls eyes*)

(This box holds a candle called 'Melt' it is the best smelling wax I've ever smelt; can I justify spending £36 on a candle - on wax...WAX?)

Anyway 10 mins before closing, we went up to the No7 lady and were tested for our correct foundation colour. Gawd, technology is amazing these days. The lady cleansed our jawline (the only place where our faces don't flush - fun fact) with the £8.00 No7 cleanser and then placed a weird handheld tester thing (??). My colour flashed up - COOL VANILLA. Best moment ever - fantastic, I've actually got a colour which will most probably match my skin because the matcher thing said so!

So I asked for a Instant Radiance in Cool Vanilla. ... Umm... We discovered that it was quite a popular and therefore I went for another (because no one wants to watch a lady struggle to get literally tiny drops of foundation out of one bottle and into another). I then asked for Beautifully Matte. Again, proved popular. So I settled for the Stay Perfect. Which I LOVES.

Quality of the foundation isn't thin but it's substantial. Soft, fragrant smell - I'd go as far to say that it smells slightly rose-y. In texture it's really, reaaally smooth and kind to the skin.

I've been using Lucy Bee's Organic Coconut Oil as my daily moisturiser and in my opinion is the creation of Gods; it's literally like the best thing for skin since *insert best brand moisturiser*. It's obviously flakey when you take it out of the jar but when placed onto skin it liquidises and soaks up like a sponge and stays. 
(£6.00 a jar from Sainsburys but it's worth it because I cook, spread and massage with it - literally everything) 

Make sure you use it at least 30 mins before foundation application (poet) 

2 small  pumps cover my whole face
Apply to t-zone with fingertips
(warms up the foundation making it easier to blend in)
Quickly then use a make up brush - I use Real Techniques base brush (everyone's favvve) and blend in with swift, circular motions
I say quickly because you want the foundation to be fresh; if you leave it for too long on the skin then it can easily become cakey on the skin and therefore won't look terribly good/clog up pores etc etc...

(random picture)

Remember less is more; you want the attention to be on eyes and lips. 
If you are someone who suffers from ache or dry//oily skin piling it on actually makes it worse!! 
Unless you're on prescription, I suggest that you check out my friends blog whose dealt with ache and has a selection of products which she suggests will help!
+Jenny Scott Russell - FREYA'S FASHION CHAPTER

My advice would be...

LITERALLY USE THE COCONUT OIL - People with oily skin must be panicking slightly thinking OIL OIL TOO MUCH OIL
But honestly, rose-hip/coconut/almond oil meant to be a-muh-zing for all skin types and evens out skin tone and stuff (BIO OIL TOO)

Right so blend, blend blend until you're happy and have a perfect, precise finish.

I really, really like this foundation and will be definitely buying some as soon as I get me some dolla-olla-hola-hollaaaaa [i'm sorry].

Get 3-4-2 at +Boots UK on selected items - my choices based on this post would beeee....

No7 Stay Perfect - £14.50
RealTechniques Setting Brush - £8.99
Philosophy Purity 3-1 - £8.00/£17.50/£28.50

Hope you enjoyed this post! If you too have tried No7 products lemme know in the comments and we can discuss away! 

Ta ta.<3

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