Monday, 10 November 2014

July/August in photos


Hello, good morning, afternoon and evening!

Yes I'm back and this is a level of embarrassment I never hope to feel again PHAHA..ah.

I apologise heartily for my absence over these last three months of 2014 (although it's technically 4 but meh). It's been absolutely manic-crazy-oh-my-goodnessness-busy.

I had an idea.

Who actually looks blogs without the pictures?

So I thought instead of me rrrrrambling on with my incoherency, I thought I'd do a post to show you the main/important bits of the last 3-actually-4 months so you're all caught up on my adventures!
Maybe with a few anecdotes here and there. Maybe. Possibly. I'm trying to see things from your perspective, you may not be prepared for my Oxford First Degree English skills that I so clearly possess. (Ha.)


They were incredible...

Now I only really have a few photos on my phone because it kept dying, (TIP NO. 1 ON FESTIVALS: ALWAYS BRING A PORTABLE CHARGER) but this is a decent, not-very blurry one from T!


In August (well late July) I got the opportunity to travel up to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 'Twas excellent fun working with stacks of new people and networking to my hearts content. 

Assembly Gardens in the early evening!

I operated/stage managed two shows while I was up there, the first was Noggin the Nog which was performed at Assembly (pictured) and the second was A Male Soprano which was performed at Paradise Green 

"Noggin the Nog" production shot! We had a massive dragons head as part of the set and was always popular with the audience!

Nice shot of the local church and the Scottish hills!
Edinburgh was such a crazy, stressful, amazing and incredible experience and I suggest that all of you go at some point in your lives! 

 For ages now, I've tried to sort out a rota for my blog because, yes, I really have neglected it and since I said to myself at the beginning of the year that 'poshballoon.blogspot' would be my open journal/diary thing I've failed to maintain a position as a writer of my life (I should release myself from the blogger world I AM UNWORTHY OF THIS TITLE).

Write soon!

Ta ta.<3