Saturday, 11 January 2014

Spotify Update

So just to update you on the olde 'New Year's Resolutantics', I've done zero exercise today APART FROM rolling paint onto our hallway which I have to admit uses so much arm muscle it''s just, wow, tiring. Very tiring. I'll be Sylvester Stallone by the end of next week. 
Yes, we're finally decorating and painting and sanding for the first time in FOREVER. But I shan't bore you to death with those details. 

Instead, I thought I'd do this post on music as I've been Spotify-ing/Youtubing an awful lot recently and I thought I'd share with you just a few of my current favourites in a kind of TOP 5 Chart Style!!

(I guarantee that this won't be as "exciting" as my last post)


PASSION PIT - Take a Walk 
I really feel good, let's-skip-and-forget kind of song. This one definitely gets me up in the morning's and prepares me for a long and hard day's work i.e Tumblr-ing and tweeting. 


GREEN DAY - Holiday/ Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Now this is terrible (not the song, the anecdote). Basically, for most of my life I haven't been a big fan of Green Day. I mean American Idiot and When September Ends were pretty good, but I found some of their other songs (please don't hate me but) absolutely hideous. However, I've always liked this song and never knew up until now who sung it. Yes I know I'm rather stupid. Dear god help me.


Being a massive optimist (haha) I had to pick it. 


I've loved this song ever since it came out. I was introduced to the monkeys two years ago and have loved them ever since with 'Suck it and See' being one of my favourite albums of all time. 


FALL OUT BOY - Just One Yesterday
Oh my goodness gracious moiiii's, SAVE ROCK AND ROLL. Stop reading this now and listen to the 'Save Rock and Roll' album now. No words can describe the love I have for this band, and this album. The songs are all brilliantly written and the music video to 'Just One Yesterday' is epic. If you're still reading - NO. Spotify. NOW. 

Right. So, now you've returned from listening to the albums I've declared either 'amazing', 'epic' or every positive adjective under the sun, I'll now leave you to think over what you've just listened to. Mainly because I'm just going to sit, half covered in paint, half covered in my tears and just surrender my soul to 'Beyonce' and 'Art Pop' for a few hours. 

If I don't blog again within the next week, you'll know that my brain imploded and that the cause of "death" was down to the incredible vocals of two of the most profound performers to ever walk the Earth. 
And breathe. 

The next post will be better promise. I've had too many white walls in front of me today and so haven't been able to think straight. I do apologise.  

Ta ta lunatics. <3

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