Thursday, 28 January 2021


Amazingly (or rather un-amazingly and unsurprisingly) I am back again.
A whole *3 months since my last post (* haha, only joking it was 10 minutes ago in my head.)

The last post was put into drafts and completely forgotten about in the midst of all the excitement surrounding the new election...but since then we've had other matters and hurdles to get over. 

100,000 deaths, Trump's typical Western "I will be back" stint and an unforgiving amount of human dread and anxiety to add to the pot. All the worse bits of what makes our nervous system shudder in immeasurable amounts and want to disapparate into thin air. 

In the words of great and wise xyz "nothing lasts forever"; faith that we must keep. There's a vaccine, a few to be precise, working it's magic. More people are practicing self-care - whether we call that meditating or having a couple of glasses of wine, you do you. And there are more people questioning the running of government and let's be honest, whether you believe Bojo is good or bad, the man's doing a pretty sh*t job of it. Sorry not sorry.

This post isn't really about anything as such, other than I just thought I'd tell you, dearest Reader, that I hope you're doing ok. I found out some news today and made me very aware of how short this thing called LIFE is and how we use it. But then I thought about it... How do you use life? Is it really something we use? Do we play with it? Is that coy? How is it utilised? Living life seems too futile now. So what do we do with Life?

Do you run with it? Eventually running out of breath. That's probably a bit too deep for some. And before we know it found out there's no more energy left to run with. Do you walk with it? Is that too slow? Some want to live life to the fullest so surely walking it is a little..boring perhaps?

Do you live it? 
This is the biggest question. We're not living right now, in the pandemic, we're surviving. And in a weird way, for someone who feels like I've lived 1,000 lives in a short space of time it's sort of unsettling but reassuring. 

It's important to stop and take everything in. However painful it is. However beautiful it is. Being still. Wherever you are - the kitchen, the garden, your bedroom, a studio on campus, your toilet etc - look at your hands. Look up. Look down. Look at where you are. What date is it? What time is it? Have you had a glass of pure Earth juice today? Have you hugged yourself today? 

This is being present.
And I only learned this not so long ago, but this is my idea of being present. Realising the now. Tuning in with me - and it's something us Earthlings have almost lost touch of because, for some reason, there's so much pressure on being a hooman that we forget the most beautiful part of Life. 

Tuning in with ourselves, with people around us, knowing ourselves enough to intuitively recognise a change in others, in sheer kindness offering a listening ear without expecting others to offer theirs. 
Making these effortless acts the most impactful and powerful connective bounds of being human.

So to end, even though this might be much to stomach, I hope you are ok. I hope you are relaxed in the knowledge you're still here. In the present. I, though I may not know you, am most certainly very glad you are. 

Take care, 
Grace x

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